Leaders Roundtable: The Future of Work Redefined: Managing Dispersed Teams & Disconnected Technology

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Leaders Roundtable: The Future of Work Redefined: Managing Dispersed Teams & Disconnected Technology

Singapore’s upcoming regulation requiring formal flexible work arrangements underscores a crucial aspect of the future of work: collaboration.

To empower flexible work, CHROs and CIOs need to collaborate to create an AI-powered environment that prioritises collaboration and productivity. This allows organisations to personalise employee experiences, improve efficiency, and ultimately, build a more engaged workforce.

Singapore Knowledge Workers Demand Tech for Better Experience

  • 67% have a strong dependence on digital tools for collaboration and productivity.
  • 83% demand continuous evolution and improvement in employee experience technologies from their employers.
  • 59% believe that enhanced productivity contributes to increased employee loyalty.
    Source: Ecosystm, 2024

However, a flexible work environment presents a new challenge: building trust, fostering a strong culture, and maintaining employee engagement when teams aren’t always physically together. In this new landscape, leaders must find innovative ways to connect their workforce and create a sense of belonging, even when employees are dispersed.

Join this discussion to find out best practices in:

  • Transforming Collaboration and Communication. Explore how AI-powered platforms can boost productivity in a digital workplace.
  • Building Trust and Engagement in the Workplace. Discover strategies to capture employee sentiment and strengthen corporate culture across dispersed teams.
  • Managing the Tech Chaos. Learn how to overcome the challenges of disconnected collaboration tools, streamlining your digital workplace for a smoother experience.
Harnessing Quantum Potential: Government and Technology Investments for Tomorrow

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Quantum computing is emerging as a groundbreaking force with the potential to reshape industries and enhance national security with unparalleled speed and precision. Governments and technology providers worldwide are heavily investing in this transformative technology, which promises significant advancements in areas such as cryptography, drug development, AI, and finance. Countries like Australia, Singapore, Taiwan, Qatar, and the UK are investing heavily in quantum research, backed by tech giants like Nvidia, IBM, and Google.

Ecosystm research finds that nearly 30% of enterprises are expecting to use quantum computing in the next 5 years.

Beyond Bits: Exploring the Potential of Quantum Computers

We need quantum computers because they have the potential to solve certain problems that are impossible (or impractical) for classical computers. Last year, Google led a study revealing that its quantum processor can complete a task in 6.18 seconds that would take a traditional supercomputer 47 years.

Here are a few reasons why quantum computing is exciting:

Unleashing the power of qubits. While classical computers use bits that can be either 0 or 1, quantum computers use qubits, which can exist in both states simultaneously (a state called superposition). This allows them to explore multiple possibilities simultaneously, making them significantly faster for specific tasks.

Tackling complex problems. Problems like simulating molecules or breaking complex encryption codes involve massive calculations. Quantum computers, with their unique properties, can manage these complexities more efficiently.

Revolutionising specific fields. Quantum computing has the potential to transform areas such as materials science, drug discovery, AI, and financial modelling. By simulating complex systems and processes, they could lead to breakthroughs in various sectors.

Quantum computers will not replace traditional computers entirely, but rather function as powerful tools for specific tasks beyond the reach of classical machines. Let’s look at cybersecurity as an example.

Twenty years ago, hacking was a basic task. Imagine a time before social media, when a simple computer and basic technical know-how were enough to breach a network. The stakes were low, the landscape uncomplicated. But technology, like threats, has evolved. Today’s hackers use sophisticated techniques, employing strategies like “harvest now, decrypt later” – stealing data today to decrypt later using more powerful machines. This is where quantum computing enters the scene, posing a significant threat to current encryption methods. In response, tech giants like Google, Apple, and Zoom are implementing quantum-resistant encryption into their software, safeguarding user data from potential future decryption attempts. Governments and telecommunication providers worldwide are boosting quantum encryption to tackle the potential security crisis.

The thrill of quantum computing lies in its infancy. Unforeseen applications, beyond our current imagination, could be unlocked as the technology matures.

Current Quantum Projects Focused on Security

First Scalable Network Secures Maritime Trade. The Netherlands is improving the resiliency of transport infrastructure in their own major international maritime hub, using quantum. The Port of Rotterdam Authority joined a collection of quantum technology firms to create a comprehensive cybersecurity ecosystem – the first of its kind globally. The port uses quantum technology to safeguard sensitive information, improving safety for the seagoing vessels carrying 470 million tonnes of cargo annually.

UK Integrates Quantum Navigation for Secure Air Travel. The UK is improving its digital transport infrastructure by integrating the first ever un-jammable aviation navigation system, powered by quantum software. This initiative was prompted by an incident where a government plane carrying the UK defence secretary had its GPS signal jammed close to Russian territory. This technology ensures safe and reliable navigation for aircraft, particularly in hostile environments. The UK government is investing USD 56 million into their quantum sector, aiming to become a quantum-enabled economy by 2033.

Governments Putting Faith in Quantum

Taiwan’s First Domestic 5-Qubit Computer. Taiwan is aiming to be a leader in quantum computing by building its first domestic machine by 2027. This initiative is part of a larger USD 259 million, five-year plan for quantum technology, and has a multi-pronged approach including building the actual quantum computer hardware; developing solutions to secure data in a world with quantum computers (quantum cryptography); creating a strong supply chain for quantum computing components within Taiwan; and collaborating with international partners to develop testing platforms and expertise.

Singapore Explores Real-World Applications. The Singaporean government has pledged USD 518 million to their National Quantum Strategy (NQS). This investment will provide the necessary resources to explore real-time applications of quantum technology in healthcare and technology. Simultaneously, they launched the National Quantum Processor Initiative (NQPI) to develop quantum sensors that will aid in research. Singapore aims to lead the world in quantum tech for investment portfolios, cryptography, and drug discovery.

Australia Aiming for World’s First Utility-Scale Machine. Backed by a USD 620 million investment from the Australian and Queensland governments, PsiQuantum aims to build a fault-tolerant computer that can solve previously challenging problems in fields like renewable energy, healthcare, and transportation. PsiQuantum’s innovative “fusion-based architecture” tackles scaling challenges by using millions of light-based qubits, paving the way for a new era of computational power and potentially sparking the next industrial revolution. This project positions Australia as a global leader in harnessing the immense potential of quantum computing.

Tech Companies Making the Quantum Leap

IBM Enhances Quantum Performance. IBM’s latest quantum computing platform, Qiskit 1.0, has worked on features that enhance performance, stability, and reliability. The updated open-source SDK aims to facilitate accessible quantum programming and accelerate processing times. Qiskit 1.0 uses optimised circuits to create and manage the interplay between classical and quantum computing. IBM is even collaborating with Japan’s AIST to develop a 10,000-qubit quantum computer by 2029, which is 75 times more powerful than current systems.

Microsoft and Quantinuum Achieve Reliable Logical Qubits. This significant milestone is said to mark a new era of dependable quantum technology, dramatically reducing errors and enhancing the precision of quantum computations. They have demonstrated an 800x improvement in error rates, paving the way for hybrid supercomputing systems that combine AI, high-performance computing (HPCs), and quantum capabilities to tackle scientific problems, with new capabilities becoming available to Azure Quantum Elements customers in the coming months.

Quantum Cloud Services for Enterprise. Major tech players QMware, Nvidia, and Oracle are teaming up to create hybrid quantum computing service for businesses. Combining classical and quantum computing, the project aims to crunch complex problems in AI, machine learning, and optimisation – all in the cloud.

Building Towards a Quantum Future

In the short term, using HPCs with quantum algorithms can already provide noticeable speed improvements over traditional methods. Hybrid approaches, where HPCs and quantum computers work together, could lead to significant gains in speed and efficiency, potentially ranging from 10x to 100x improvement.

Three strategies: quantum-inspired, hybrid, and full-scale quantum computing each offer distinct advantages.

While quantum-inspired computing leverages quantum algorithms to run on classical systems, hybrid computing combines classical and quantum processors, optimising the strengths of both to take complex problems more efficiently. Intuitively, full-scale quantum computing represents the ultimate goal, where large, fault-tolerant quantum computers solve problems beyond the reach of current classical systems.

Looking further ahead, the development of large-scale quantum computers could revolutionise industries by solving problems far beyond the reach of classical computers, with potential speedups of 500x to 1000x.

As quantum technology progresses, different industries and applications will benefit from tailored approaches that best suit their unique needs.

The Future of Industries
Leaders Roundtable: Finding CX Harmony: Integrating Human Touch with AI

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Leaders Roundtable: Finding CX Harmony: Integrating Human Touch with AI

We’ve concluded another successful event! Thanks to everyone for their Valuable contributions.

->Click here to explore hightlights and key takeaways from this Roundtable session.

In today’s digital age, customer experience has a key role to play in building brand loyalty and trust.

Companies are rapidly adopting AI-driven solutions, particularly Generative AI, to enhance both customer and employee experiences. In Malaysia, 77% of organisations are evaluating chatbots for customers and 23% are looking to infuse chatbots with GenAI capabilities. AI also has immense potential to transform employee workflows, freeing them up for higher-value tasks.

Yet, integrating AI into CX is a delicate balancing act. AI is often perceived as impersonal, lacking the human touch that can foster genuine connections and empathy in CX.

According to Ecosystm research in Malaysia:

  • 68% of organisations prioritise customer self-service to enhance CX and reduce employee workload.
  • 61% are assessing how data from self-service platforms can reveal insights about customers to deliver personalised CX.
  • Yet, 63% express concern about seamlessly transitioning to a human when AI fails to address customer queries or issues.

We invite you to join your industry peers for an invitation-only discussion on:

  • The impact of emerging technologies on redefining CX models.
  • Key pain points in meeting customer demands and practical solutions to mitigating them.
  • Harnessing the power of unified CX, communications, collaboration, and employee solutions on one single platform.
  • Best practices for leveraging customer intelligence to help drive efficiency and increase profitability.

Leaders Roundtable: Striking the Right Balance: Bringing a Human Touch to AI in Customer Experience

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Leaders Roundtable: Striking the Right Balance: Bringing a Human Touch to AI in Customer Experience

We’ve concluded another successful event! Thanks to everyone for their Valuable contributions.

->Click here to explore hightlights and key takeaways from this Roundtable session.

In this digital era, the pivotal role of customer experience (CX) in building brand loyalty and trust is top of mind for many companies.

Organisations are swiftly adopting technology, especially AI-driven solutions, to elevate their customer and employee experience strategies, boosting efficiency and convenience along the way.

Yet, integrating AI into CX is a delicate balancing act. AI is often perceived as impersonal, lacking the human touch that can foster genuine connections and empathy in CX.

According to Ecosystm research in Singapore:

  • 52% of organisations prioritise customer self-service to enhance CX and reduce employee workload
  • 75% have implemented or are considering AI-infused self-service technologies
  • 64% worry about smoothly transitioning to a human when AI can’t address customer queries or issues

Organisations require a practical and seamless AI-powered solution that elevates both customer and employee experiences.

We invite you to join me and your industry peers for a closed-door candid conversation on:

  • Key pain points in meeting customer demands for CX and practical solutions to mitigating them.
  • Harnessing the power of unified CX, communications, collaboration, and employee solutions on one single platform
  • Best practices for leveraging customer intelligence to help drive efficiency and increase profitability.

Leaders Roundtable: Do You Have the Right Collaborative Healthcare Strategy?

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Leaders Roundtable: Do You Have the Right Collaborative Healthcare Strategy?

The healthcare industry has undergone a significant transformation amidst the crises of the past few years.

With rapid technology adoption, changes in business processes, and shifts in the mindset of clinicians, administrative staff, and patients, the priorities of healthcare providers have evolved. In the past year, organisations have shifted their focus towards implementing innovative measures to improve systemic efficiency, reducing costs to manage resource sprawl, and enhancing employee experience to improve retention rates.

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As virtual care becomes increasingly mainstream, the healthcare system is poised to realise the benefits of a collaborative healthcare model. Collaborative care has emerged as a key enabler for achieving the top business priorities in healthcare.

What collaborative care strategy works best? Has your organisation adopted hybrid care – in-person consultations supplemented by virtual care? What will make patients adopt virtual visits? With the proliferation of technology, how can you make it easier for clinicians and administrators to access the right technology to provide better care?

Join me and your industry peers for this Executive Leaders discussion where we will discuss the biggest challenges facing healthcare delivery today; how patient and employee expectations are shaping the future of healthcare; and the need to keep virtual visits simple and seamless.

Ecosystm Podcast Episode 23-The Path to a Collaborative, Empowered & Resilient Workforce: Featuring Zoom and Grab

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Collaboration 2.0: What Does It Mean For Your Business and How Does It Improve Productivity

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Leaders Roundtable: Collaboration 2.0: What Does It Mean For Your Business and How Does It Improve Productivity?

As AI and Automation technologies further redefine the role of information workers, the importance of creativity, flexibility and teamwork will only increase.

Working styles and business workplaces continue to evolve – after a few years of bedding down the “post-COVID modern workplace” industry leaders are now looking to evolve their working environments and related technology and processes to support their employees in a tightening economy.

As organisations tighten budgets and curtail travel, employees are once again looking towards collaboration tools to drive their productivity and improve teamwork. But this time, the pressure to innovate and transform has heightened – with more stakeholders across more partners and locations helping to drive your business forward.

Ecosystm research finds that in Australia:

  • Employee experience (EX) is the second most important business priority behind digital transformation, with nearly 40% of businesses looking to dramatically improve their EX
  • To drive this change, 58% of businesses plan to increase their investments in Digital Workplace platforms and tools – the highest increase of any technology area
  • Our worker wants more flexibility – with only 11% preferring the traditional 9-5 working hours

Join us and your industry peers for a discussion on what you should be focusing on, as you are tasked with refreshing your digital workplace for the new challenges ahead. The discussion will cover:

  • What are the digital workplace challenges business are facing, and how are businesses in Australia responding to these challenges?
  • How leading businesses are empowering their teams to improve their collaboration?
  • How your teams can continue to transform the business in a resource-restrained environment?

Leaders Roundtable: Process Automation Needs Workflow Redesign

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Leaders Roundtable: Process Automation Needs Workflow Redesign

Do organisations run the risk of delivering poor experiences?

We live in a world of hyperpersonalisation. Every successful organisation today is focused on delivering optimal experiences to its customers and employees – and are constantly evolving them as expectations shift.

While organisations invest in technologies for better experiences and process automation, they often do not pay enough attention to workflows. Process automation to deliver better experiences and efficiencies require agile and reliable workflows that are designed keeping on business value and financial benefits in mind.

Why should you focus on redesigning workflows?

  • To meet the expectations of your contemporary, highly evolved customers
  • To address your biggest employee challenges of delivering frictionless experiences and processes
  • To ensure that your organisation remains agile in the face of constant change

What does a workflow redesign process look like? Which are the workflows that you should prioritise?  How do you support the workflow redesign with the right steps to upskill and reskill your employees?  What role does technology play in a seamless workflow redesign?

Join me and your industry peers for this Executive Leaders discussion where we will discuss how you can deliver excellent customer and employee experiences, process efficiency and cost optimisation through a re-evaluation of your existing business workflows.

Leaders Roundtable: The Need for a Collaborative Healthcare Strategy

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Leaders Roundtable: The Need for a Collaborative Healthcare Strategy: Why you must focus on ease and efficiency

Healthcare has emerged as a transformed industry through all the crisis over the last few years.

It has seen rapid tech adoption, shifts in business processes and changes in the mindset of the clinicians, administrative staff, and patients.

The most overwhelming impact on the industry has been the widespread acceptance of virtual care/ telehealth. In Australia, between March 2020 and February 2022, nearly 96 million telehealth services were delivered to almost 17 million patients; and more than 91,000 clinicians used telehealth services, according to the Australian Digital Health Agency. With virtual care increasingly becoming mainstream the healthcare system is on the verge of realising the benefits of a collaborative healthcare model.

Collaborative Healthcare Helps Providers Achieve their key objectives

Have you as a healthcare business or as a clinician adopted virtual care? What are the challenges that you continue to face when delivering care remotely? How can you improve patient experience when delivering healthcare using a hybrid model – in-person consultations supplemented by virtual visits?

Join us and your industry peers for this Executive Leaders discussion where we will discuss the biggest challenges facing healthcare delivery today; how patient and employee expectations are shaping the future of healthcare; and the need to keep virtual visits simple and seamless.