Building through Resilience in a post-COVID World – Ecosystm Global Founders Roundtable at Singapore FinTech Festival 2020


  • Carla Vanderhoof, Chief Design Officer, addapptation
  • Dr Sindhu Joseph, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, CogniCor Technologies Inc.
  • Kelvin Teo, Co-Founder and Group Chief Executive Officer, Funding Societies
  • Margie Warrell, Best-selling Author, Media Commentator and Founder, Global Courage
  • Navin Suri, Chief Executive Officer and Co-Founder, Percipient
  • Puneet Pushkarna, Co-Founder and General Partner, Solmark
  • Suresh Shankar, Founder and Chief Executive Officer, Crayon Data
  • Vish Mishra, Venture Director, Clearstone Venture Partners

Moderator: Amit Gupta, Chief Executive Officer and Founder, Ecosystm


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