Whitepaper – The AI Readiness Barometer: ASEAN’s AI Landscape
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Ecosystm presents “The AI Readiness Barometer: ASEAN’s AI Landscape” report – a comprehensive analysis of AI adoption trends in the region, focusing on high-impact use cases for various business units.

Conducted by Ecosystm in partnership with IBM, the whitepaper is based on a study that evaluated organisations based on four key criteria: culture and leadership, skills and people, data foundation, and governance framework. These scores were then aggregated to categorise organisations into five stages of AI readiness: traditional, emerging, consolidating, transformative, or AI-first.

Download Whitepaper – The AI Readiness Barometer: ASEAN’s AI Landscape

The AI Readiness Barometer: ASEAN's AI Landscape

(Clicking on this link will take you to the IBM website where you can download the whitepaper)

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