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Leaders Roundtable: Secrets of How Digital Leaders Navigate Economic Uncertainty

The disruptions over the past years have shown that organisations must shift gears to survive, thrive and succeed.

The current business environment continues to challenge organisations in Australia with an impending economic slowdown, high inflation, skills shortage, supply chain challenges, and digital disruption all areas of concern. The need for business agility has never been higher than today.

With shareholders, business owners, and boards expecting continued growth and high returns; technology has been firmly established as a means to these outcomes. This has made technology leaders partners in their organisations’ transformation vision. They are being tasked with empowering the business with modern applications – and constantly upgrading them to cater to changing business requirements. They have to deliver maximum business value in a cost-constrained environment.

Ecosystm research finds that in Australia, in 2021, 63% of organisations had application modernisation as a top priority – now only 27% of organisations have it as a top priority. This reprioritisation sets them up for failure in a fast-evolving world.  

Technology teams must deliver value through unified, low-code platforms, automation solutions, process-targeted business process management (BPM) solutions, and modern content/communication services platforms to deliver the right information to the right people, at the right time.

Join this Executive Leaders conversation to find out how:

  • You can help your business stakeholders achieve business agility in this unpredictable environment.
  • Tech teams can deliver greater customer and business value at pace
  • Best practices in the implementation of automation, low-code/no-code platforms, and platforms for process improvement
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Tim Sheedy
Principal Advisor,


Newgen is the leading provider of low code digital transformation platform with process automation, content services, and communication management.



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