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Episode 1: Achieving More with Less in a Digital Era 


CXO Digital Leaders Dialogue series is a gathering of C-level executives created out of a need for senior executives to access advice from their peers and experts.

Ecosystm, with their partner Best Case Scenario are launching a virtual  discussion on a comprehensive CXO Digital Value Journey.  Developed by Ecosystm, the model provides a diagnostic to understand where digital leaders are today and guides an action plan to lift organisation performance.


Who should attend?

For all who have a stake in the digital organisation and improving digital performance, capabilities and cross-functional customer focussed outcomes.

Business Roles: Chief Financial Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Marketing Officer, Chief Operating Officer, Chief Supply Chain Officer.

Technical Roles: Chief Information Officer, Chief Digital Officer,  General Manager IT, General Manager Digital, IT Manager, Chief Technology Officer, Vice President Digital, Vice President Technology, 

Register Here


Key take aways

  • Shift from a cost-focused to value-focused service 
    Gain an understanding during the session how digital leaders develop the right capabilities using the model.  Understand where you are on the journey and develop a program set of activities to lift your capability from execution and internal challenges to focussing externally on the customer – what they want and how to serve them better.
Diagram: Ecosystm Value Focused Model
Diagram: Ecosystm Cost to Value Model
  • Discuss with leaders involved in significant organisational transformation
    The virtual discussion features speakers who will talk about their leadership journey which involved significant organisational transformations from execution to innovation within sectors such as Government, Healthcare, Education, Utilities and not for profit.

Why participate?

  • Confidentiality of peer to peer visions for future possibilities on relevant topics
  • Educational opportunities to discuss pressing industry issues with others who can really add value to the conversation
  • Genuine desire to assist and offer valuable insight from high level sources
  • A courtesy to real intent to provide real answers to leaders business problems
  • Valuable return on time –  we respect participants time is valuable and scarce, each interaction is carefully crafted to be effective and efficient.








Dialogue Series Webinar
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Alan Hesketh
Principal Advisory, CIO Advisory & Digital Strategy, Ecosystm. CXO Digital Leaders Dialogue Analyst and Facilitator.

Alan has over 30 years experience leading IT and digital organisations as a CIO across different industries, sectors and geographies. He has a record of dramatic performance improvements with internal IT and Digital teams, supported by strong supplier relationships, that achieve better business outcomes.
Nina Du Thaler
Non-Executive Director, Workways Australia; Former CIO in Healthcare, Utilities, Higher Education and Government.

With over 25 years’ experience in the ICT industry, Nina Du Thaler has held senior executives roles managing information, technology and shared services operations across a range of industries and always plays a critical role in establishing and delivering against strategic roadmaps to transform the digital and technology services and support the growth aspirations of these businesses. Nina has extensive experience working in industries including NFP, state and local government, healthcare, emergency services, utilities and higher education.
Ron Hooton
Chief Executive, Vision Australia.

Ron Hooton joined Vision Australia as Chief Executive Officer in January 2013. He was recruited to lead the organisation in transforming from a charity to a “for purpose business”. Since then, Ron has led Vision Australia through a remarkable period of change, achieving significant outcomes for the blind and low vision communities of Australia. With his strong financial management skills and extensive cross-industry background in the information and communications sector, Ron ensures he maintains his expertise and strong links to the ICT sector.


Sponsorship Opportunities
Request a sponsor download to understand if your solution could be part of our CXO community and the journey and capability model. Over the next 12 months we are hosting eight online conversations, with guaranteed tangible outcomes from each.

Our proven methodology for CXO’s to improve the way digital tools are used within their organisation and guide their digital team on the next steps necessary to deliver improvements is what sets this dialogue series apart from others. 


Upcoming Dates: CXO Digital Leaders Dialogue Series
Episode 1:
22 | April

Achieving More with Less in a Digital Era
Episode 2:
25 | May
The Most Important Thing You Do - Why Execution is the Critical Domain
Episode 3:
22 | June
The Foundation for Success - How to Increase the Business Value You Deliver
Episode 4:
22 | July
Transform your Business to Stay Relevant
Episode 5:
19 | August
Iterate to Transform - Why Big Projects Need to Die
Episode 6:
16 | September
Setting the Direction – Envision your Business Future
Episode 7:
19 | October
Innovate with Relevance - How to Choose New Tech
Episode 8:
23 | November
Leading Amid Complexity - Developing your Community


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